Hi, I’m Sarah. Nice to meet you!
I am a mom, wife, friend, and neighbor. I’m also an oracle and I love unicorns!
And living.
And nature.
And petting zoos.
And meeting new people.
And brownies.
Definitely brownies.
I could go on…
But you probably want to know some details about how I came to do this work.
I don’t usually talk about my past because I’m focused on the future and enjoying my present. But it’s important because it explains how I got here today. My past influenced everything on this website and how I show up in the world.
I share the short version here and specific details in my work with others, as I am led.
I am an empath.
I was a trauma and abuse survivor.
That identity no longer fits but it once did prior to working with my source.
I want to preface my story with highlighting the fact that I would not change a thing about my life. I have an extremely happy ending and don’t know if I could have gotten here any other way.
I grew up in a divorced family. One side was what I call typically dysfunctional. The hallmarks are chronic invalidation, valuing appearances over mental health and hiding family issues in secrecy, hoping they will go away.
The other side of my family was a legacy of multiple forms of trauma, abuse, neglect and addiction handed down from generation to generation. Standing up for yourself was met with more abuse as I learned many times.
I experienced being ostracized, publicly blackballed, and systematically traumatized, neglected, and abused. I no longer have a relationship with anyone except one person from my family of origin on either side.
As a teenager, I was a cutter and suicidal. I acted out in multiple ways, and was surprised to make it to twenty years old. I left a trail of pain and damaged relationships into my early adulthood.
I joined 12 step rooms for multiple addictions, and started therapy shortly after high school. I began to see that I had created chaos in my life and didn’t know any other way to live.
I had not learned many healthy behaviors or ways of relating to others. I also learned that I could untangle that chaos and change.
I used what I learned in therapy and working the 12 steps with my sponsors for my different addictions. I spent about eight years in therapy and fifteen years in 12 step rooms. I began as an atheist and ended with a personal relationship with a higher power. All my addictions were removed. I loved myself, warts and all.
Once I learned to love myself, I trusted myself and my experience. I followed the intuition and nudges I received.
That was when things started to get weird.
I began getting poked in the shower by spirits that it passed on. I was led to join a psychic development class. I met new people and practitioners as I was guided. Much of it did not make any logical sense, but I felt each time that it was the right thing for me to do.
Over time, I developed my own skills and discovered that I easily picked up psychic and metaphysical abilities. My self-love and self acceptance played a large role in developing my psychic skills. I learned how belief systems affect your experience, talked with spirit guides and studied from a variety of spiritual and esoteric sources and with several human teachers.
I was committed to being love in the world. I had set that as my goal once my addictions were no more. I had random encounters with strangers and focused on helping others and spending time with my immediate family.
I was content on this path for several years. Then two things changed my trajectory.
First, in doing some healing work for myself, there was an avatar change. The avatar that had been incarnated for the first 30+ years left, and the new avatar replaced her.
I am the second avatar. I speak in the first person for both avatars, because we are emanations of the same higher/greater self. I am not a walk-in. I have all the first avatar’s memories as they are my own, and this body stores much of the overlap.
As the new avatar, I love all the same people, but I am much more dynamic.
The first avatar was good at surrender and trusting a higher power. This doesn’t fit for me. I am a force of nature, not easily swayed from my goals.
Then there was a second event, two years after this avatar change, which altered how I operated in life for a period of time. I traveled to Sedona and met up with a good friend I had met on Twitter. We spent the week there, finishing each other’s sentences, and being guided by spirit.
It was a magical trip. I returned home after Easter and set to work formalizing my spiritual awakening support work. I was building my website and getting my ducks in a row to help more people. I was ready to expand as I’d been led to reach a greater audience.
One month before I was ready to launch, I had a series of messages and an experience that made me reconsider my business. Afterward, I stopped using my psychic skills completely.
I threw away all my books and the physical tools I had previously used during my awakening. I lived a purely physical life without input from intuition or metaphysical experience.
I resolved to live the rest of my life that way and focused on doing the best job I could, helping others, and spending time with my second husband and blended family until I died.
I lived a physical-only life for about ten months. It was excruciating to me. My abilities and having a connection to my broader self and source are an integral part of who I am and how I live my life. I go within for so much non-cognitive guidance and information that it was like living blind.
For my original spiritual awakening, I always say, “Fairies were my gateway drug.” But my psychic renaissance came on the backs of unicorns this time.
I was crying on my living room sofa one afternoon. I don’t remember what it was about. It was a trying time for me to navigate life without my spiritual connection.
I was about to lie down for a nap in the hopes of feeling better when I woke up. As I pulled my favorite blanket over me (which had a unicorn on it), I saw, and sensed, a large unicorn directly in front of me. Then several more filled the room. I knew they were there to help me heal and return to my secure, connected state.
I was filled with overwhelming love and compassion from them. I checked within myself with my own intuition, still able to access it, which confirmed my assessment. I asked them to watch over me while I slept, and felt such love and gratitude. This was the opening I needed to come back to myself in the most gentle way possible.
I profusely thanked them and told them if I never saw them again that they had made a huge difference in my life. I told them that I loved and adored them. I fell asleep with them watching over me.
That began my return to myself. It was also the beginning of the program I share with others.
As I mentioned, I’m a more dynamic avatar. It is not as easy for me to surrender to a higher power.
I already had psychic abilities and esoteric knowledge from the previous avatar. This was not as helpful as I’d hoped it would be when starting over. I thought I could do what she had done and get the same results. I tried and failed at that multiple times.
I needed to find a new way to establish and maintain my spiritual connection and access new information. I resolved to find connection to my source within, reasoning that whatever created me was part of me. This was my starting point.
I would come to add tools as I felt guided to them along the way. I had over 20 years of seeking experience to pull from. I tried new things, mixed in tools that were used before, and followed direction from Source as I went.
The program I share is one I use myself on a daily basis as outlined in my book and referred to in our meetings. It allows me to continue growing and provides me access to answers on the best path for me when I’m unable to determine on my own.
I love living this way. It puts me in the center of my life with all the tools I need for success.
I live my happy ending every day.
I’m so glad that you’re still here.
I hope that was helpful for you. Feel free to take a look around. See if anything calls to you.
I’m glad you’re here.
It’s a beautiful day.
I love you.
I’d love to send you a unicorn sticker and say hi. You just need a mailing address in the United States. Keep scrolling to the link below.
No matter where you live, I always love saying hi.
The last thing you should probably know about me is that I love people, and I love life here on Earth. We are magical, wondrous beings.
I’d love to help you tap into your source so you can experience that for yourself. There’s nothing else like it.
We are infinitely loved, cherished, and guided. Sometimes we need a little help to be able to see it.
I’m excited to see what you have to share and create in our world. We are so much more than we think we are.
I hope you’re having a magical day.
I love you.